Query Used:   SELECT year, chassis, engine, model, body, imageText, imageURL, ownerInfo, notes, horsepower, boiler, gearratio, tires, wheelbase, weight FROM reg_stanleyregister where model = '(Type C)' order by year, chassis+0

Stanley Register Online Search  (Search Again)
YearTypeImageOwner InfoSpecsNotes
1903 chassis:
model: (Type C)
body: panel seat runabout

image source - postcard
current owner
previous owners
Bridgewater Auto Museum
gear ratio:
Sprague Register 1991 notes:
[possibly not in 1991 Register]

other notes:
Type C appeared in SMCC literature in 1904.
1903 chassis: 845
model: (Type C)
body: panel seat runabout

image source - Antique Automobile, Jul-Aug 61
current owner
US, NJ, 2009
previous owners
1947, Earle S. Eckel , Jr.
Albion L. Paige
F. O. Stanley
horsepower: 6.5
boiler: 14" x 13"
gear ratio:
Sprague Register 1991 notes:
Restored, running. Fred Marriott confirmed that the car originally belonged to F. O. Stanley. He sold/gave the car to friend Albion L. Paige. In August 1905 Paige drove the car 1048 mi. from ME to NJ. End mileage was 4,237. Mileage now, 6,969.
other notes:
This is one of the best-known cars in Stanley preservation. It has been the subject of pictures and articles in countless publications over the past 60 years. An article on this car's acquisition appears in Live Steam, Oct 1986.
Serial # outside Hardman estimate. Type C appeared in SMCC literature in 1904.
- - -
1954, '55, '56, '57, '58, '62, '63, '97 AACA Sr
1904 chassis: 1222
engine: 739
model: (Type C)
body: runabout

image source - Maine Memory Network
current owner
US, ME, 2010
Seal Cove Auto Museum
previous owners
3/7/85, Richard Paine
Matt Browning
Leon Campbell
horsepower: 8
boiler: 16" x 13"
gear ratio: 40-80
wheelbase: 78
Sprague Register 1991 notes:
Basket case.

other notes:
1991 Register labeled car Model BX; body front is Type C. No other Type C's known with stick seat. Registered by Campbell in '80, '83, '84.
Results: 3 cars

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