Query Used:   SELECT year, chassis, engine, model, body, imageText, imageURL, ownerInfo, notes, horsepower, boiler, gearratio, tires, wheelbase, weight FROM reg_stanleyregister where model = '72' order by year, chassis+0

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YearTypeImageOwner InfoSpecsNotes
1910 chassis:
model: 72
body: roadster

image source - personal collection
current owner
2000, US, IA, 2010
Lynn Curry
previous owners
Thomas J. Sullivan

horsepower: 20
gear ratio:
Sprague Register 1991 notes:
[not in 1991 Register]

other notes:
Commissioned by Sullivan, last car built by Daryl Kendall while he still worked for Amsley. Sullivan owned as early as 1994.
- - -
1996 AACA Sr
2007 Steam Car Tour, Wilmington, DE
2008 Steam Car Tour, Bennington, VT
1910 chassis: 5558
engine: 7-435
model: 72
body: roadster

image source - Antique Automobile, Jan-Feb 77
current owner
US, KY, 2010
John P. Clark
previous owners
Norm & Dottie Oliver
Bill Blanck
Geri Sprague, 1991
1971, Robert Sprague
Carl S. Amsley

horsepower: 20
boiler: 23" x 14"
gear ratio: 48-60
wheelbase: 112
weight: 1900
Sprague Register 1991 notes:
[no other notes]

other notes:
Amsley re-creation. Antique Automobile, Jan-Feb 77, labels it "Model 72 Special".
- - -
1972 Steam Car Tour, Woodstock

1910 chassis: 5560
engine: 7-398
model: 72
body: roadster

image source - Steam Car Club of Great Britain
current owner
previous owners

horsepower: 20
gear ratio:
Sprague Register 1991 notes:
[not in 1991 Register]

other notes:
An exquisite car constructed by Goolds in England.
GB reg SV 9753
1910 chassis: 5799
model: 72
body: roadster

image source - StanleySteamers.com
current owner
US, WI, 2007
previous owners

horsepower: 20
boiler: 23"
gear ratio:
tires: 36 x 4
wheelbase: 115
weight: 2200
Sprague Register 1991 notes:
[possibly not in 1991 Register]
other notes:
Assembled by current owner. Serial # outside Hardman estimate. # may not be for this car - same owner registered a Model 70 touring at the 2006 tour carrying this #.
- - -
2000 AACA Sr
2007 Steam Car Tour, Delaware
1911 chassis: 6120
model: 72
body: roadster

image source - current owner
current owner
2010, UK SW
previous owners
2007, Gerry Stoneman, 2009
Henk Van Der Wal, NE
Robert Collins
gear ratio:
GB reg. BF 4876
1911 chassis: 6267
engine: 7-628
model: 72
body: Roadster

image source - current owner
current owner
9/3/11, US, NH
previous owners
10/81, Ken Hand, 2011
Phil Steen
Carl S. Amsley
Barney Pollard
C. R. Huntley, 1911
horsepower: 20
boiler: 23" x 14"
gear ratio: 51-57
tires: 36 x 4 ss
wheelbase: 115
weight: 3000
Only known Model 72 survivor.
[Campbell 1996] Last Model 72 assembled, according to factory records. Assembly completed 6/27/1911; oldest survivor [of aluminum-bodied cars].
Video of this car in action appears here.
- - -
2008, Ozark Steam Car Tour, Missouri
2009 Stanley Hotel Centennial Tour, Colorado
2010, Flint Hills Steam Car Tour, Kansas
Results: 6 cars

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