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YearTypeImageOwner InfoSpecsNotes
1916 chassis: 16702
model: 726
body: roadster

image source - StanleySteamers.com
current owner
7/5/79, US, VT, 2011
Don Bourdon
previous owners
Modest Poudrier
Packard brothers
horsepower: 20
boiler: 27" x 16"
gear ratio: 40-60
tires: 36 x 4.5
wheelbase: 130
Sprague Register 1991 notes:
Excellent, restored. The body had been in the woods for many years, only the aluminum cowl and back of seats were restorable. Wire wheels installed at time of restoration.
other notes:
Serial number listed in 1999 Centennial program as "16603?", 16702 is correct..
- - -
1999 Mt. Washington Centennial
1916 chassis: 16703
engine: 7-1328
model: 726
body: roadster

image source - Steam Car Club of Great Britain
current owner
5/87, GB, 2010
previous owners
D. Brooks
Larz Anderson Museum, 1975
Duane C. White
horsepower: 20
boiler: 23 x 14
gear ratio: 40-60
wheelbase: 130
weight: 4300
Sprague Register 1991 notes:
Very good, original upholstery. ... White ... donated it to The Museum of Transportation, Brookline, MA. D. Brooks purchased the car at auction. Bolsover boiler.
other notes:
Unrestored when auctioned by museum. An article on this car appears in The Automobile, Jan. 1994.
GB reg. EL 1004
1916 chassis: 16714
engine: 7-1412
model: 726
body: roadster

image source - Steam Power Quarterly, '68 v2#4
current owner
US, CA, 1968
previous owners

horsepower: 20
boiler: 23" x 14"
gear ratio: 40-60
wheelbase: 130
Sprague Register 1991 notes:
(* not verified by owner)

other notes:
Flat condenser a later replacement.
Results: 3 cars

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