Query Used:   SELECT year, chassis, engine, model, body, imageText, imageURL, ownerInfo, notes, horsepower, boiler, gearratio, tires, wheelbase, weight FROM reg_stanleyregister where model = '86' order by year, chassis+0

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YearTypeImageOwner InfoSpecsNotes
1911 chassis:
model: 86
body: Mtn Wgn

image source - Smogless Days
current owner
(no longer in existence)
previous owners
Paul A. Bourdon

horsepower: 20
boiler: 27" x 16"
gear ratio: 40-60
tires: 36 x 4 ss
wheelbase: 140
weight: 4000
Sprague Register 1991 notes:
9-passenger. Fabricated by owner. Retired from service. Made up on a 1917 frame, 30hp boiler and burner, 740 rear end. Original Stanley seats, hood, and mech. components. The car was operated for 17yrs. as a licensed jitney in Woodstock, VT. Authentic restoration is intended.
other notes:
In 2008, this car was disassembled to source construction of a model 87.
- - -
1964 Steam Car Meet, Woodstock, VT
Results: 1 cars

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