Archive for the ‘Games’ Category

PostHeaderIcon Quake 3 Biker Wood Carving is completed.

Todd has finished the wood carving of the Quake 3 character that I use when I play Quake 3. It was enetered in the New England Wood Carvers Annual Competion and got first place in it’s class. Last Thursday Todd gave it to me. I have put up a series of pictures that show it’s progress from last April through Oct.

Quake 3 Biker Model Wood Carving

PostHeaderIcon Quake 3 Biker Model Wood Carving

A friend of mine (Todd Wisell) is carving me a replica of the Quake 3 model called Biker.  He sent me several images showing the progress, so I decided to put up a web page to document that progress.

Quake 3 Biker Model Wood Carving