
This is a diagram of the containment building. The containment building is actually a building within a building. It has an outer building which is actually designed to protect against an impact from aircraft. When Seabrook Station was being built, Pease Air Force Base was active and FB-111's would fly nearby as part of their traffic pattern for landing at Pease.

The inner containment building is 4.5' thick reinforced concrete. The rebar used is 2.25 inches in diameter. The outer containment enclosure building is 1.5' thick reinforced concrete.

The containment building is kept at a negative pressure so an airlock is required when personnel enter containment.

This is a picture of Unit 2 which was only partially completed when it was cancelled. The containment building was in the middle of construction when work stopped. This picture shows the inner steel liner and then the many interlaced layers of 2.25" steel rebar.